Our Business

Partner of the world's key players

Partner of the world's key players

Performance by Geographical area: results at 1 March 2022

Our Business Model

Prysmian Group promotes a business model based on the concept of shared value through a strategic approach that considers the following elements to be key: listening to and actively involving all internal and external stakeholders, dedicating constant attention to the evolving global and industry context, and planning for the future in a responsible manner that considers the environment and society.

  1. We are a public company and, as such, it is fundamental to align the interests of the Group with those of our stakeholders. We have always maintained open and transparent dialogue with our shareholders, employees, customers and suppliers, the institutions and the communities in which we work. In order to ensure their confidence and support, we strive to maintain high governance standards and practices: for example, 67% of Board members are independent. As a public company, the shareholders’ meetings of the Prysmian Group provide an important opportunity for discussion, involvement and agreement among all shareholders.
  1. We strive to align the management objectives of the Group with the sustainability KPIs and, to this end, we have adopted a scorecard that enables us to manage social, economic and environmental matters as a part of our business activities. The Prysmian Group’s scorecard comprises 14 objectives with a business impact. These are clear and measurable objectives identified with reference to 3 parameters: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (SDGs) defined by the United Nations, requests from major International Sustainability Indexes and the needs and expectations of our stakeholders, which are mapped each year via the Group’s stakeholder engagement initiatives.
  1. The incentive scheme for all managers within the Prysmian Group is linked to the achievement of objectives for the improvement of our ESG parameters. The 2020 Remuneration Policy adopted by the Group includes a system of variable remuneration based partly on performance on sustainability matters and, in particular, on the positioning of the Group in the three main sustainability indexes - Dow Jones Sustainability Index, CDP Index, EcoVadis Index - and partly on the progress made on implementing the action plans for three matters of importance to the business: the level of gender diversity in management, the reduction of CO2 emissions and occupational health and safety.

Acceleration on Climate Change. "Zero Emission" Prysmian by 2035 (Scope 1 and 2)

Prysmian Group confirms its ambition to be one of the leading technology players in the transition to the use of renewable energy sources and to a decarbonised economy. 48% of the Group’s sales are attributable to business segments and products that contribute to a low-carbon economy . With the goal of supporting the expected acceleration of the development of new submarine and underground power interconnections (chiefly links and interconnections of offshore wind farms), the Group has planned investments in the range of €450 million by 2022 (over 50% of total investments), which are also intended to further improve the sustainability of its organisation and supply chain.

Prysmian Group has also announced a new ambitious climate strategy adopting science-based targets, in line with the requirements of the Paris Agreement, and endorsing the Business Ambition (1.5°C) with the “net zero” target expected to be achieved within 2035 with regard to the emissions generated by its operations (Scope 1 and 2) and by 2050 for emissions generated by the value chain (Scope 3). Among the most important initiatives in this area is the Group’s Pikkala plant, chiefly dedicated to the production of cables for offshore wind farms, which will become the first net zero plant, where 100% of the energy used will be obtained from certified renewable sources.


Our commitment to the energy transition

Stakeholders value creation

Prysmian Group’s strategy is founded on the sustainability principles on which the Group’s ESG identity is based. These principles are applied at each phase of Prysmian’s value chain and are managed through the ESG governance model. Within the Group, value creation is boosted by the significant inputs generated by Prysmian’s approach in reference to three pillars of the corporate identity: People, Culture & Organisation, Sustainable Innovation & Lean Manufacturing and Extended Value Chain. These inputs feed the Group’s value chain and allow Prysmian to create outputs that have the potential to generate an impact outside the organisation, helping to achieve specific Sustainable Development Goals. The Group’s value creation cannot overlook the external drivers that impact on Prysmian’s business and outputs, such as energy transition, digitalisation, scarcity of resources and social issues.

+29% investments in health and safety Sustainability at the heart of our innovation strategy On Time Delivery at above 94%
Safety in work environments: ongoing tests; distribution of healthcare materials and PPEs Innovative P-Laser 525 kV HVDC cable Re-design of procurement flows
Promotion of remote working and its extension to all employees FlexRibbonTM cable, ultracompact outside plant cable design that contains bend insensitive fibres Emergency management of the logistics
Diversity in terms of gender and age and focus on culture Alesea, smart virtual assistant for cable drums Continuity of the supply chain
Citizenship and social responsibility PG Connect, digital and sustainable solution based on the “Augmented Reality technology” Constant dialogue with customers
Digitalisation of the Academy’s activities Kablee, digital platform to provide sustainable services, as connectivity in rural areas German Corridors, installation project of 2,300 km of high voltage undergrounds electrical cables, from the North Sea to the south of the Germany
Remuneration policy aligned with ESG objectives Submarine interconnection project between Crete and the Peloponnese region

Prysmian Group’s communication purpose

Today, not only do we provide our customers with superior cable solutions based on state-of-the-art technology: we also offer excellence in execution, a legacy built on performance and innovation, and a commitment to delivering sustainable growth and profit. And everything we do is centred around a shared purpose. At Prysmian Group, our purpose unites every individual within our business, ensuring we move towards a shared vision: a future where we solve the challenges posed by the energy transition, ubiquitous digitalisation, and global electrification. Our purpose gives Prysmian Group’s shareholders, stakeholders and customers alike an understanding of our company’s mission. It allows them to share in the impact we have on the world around us, and demonstrates the value this creates for them, and for everyone, as we meet the world’s challenges and contribute to a better future for everyone.

Broadening horizons for Energy Projects

We’re breaking boundaries in cable projects delivery. Our execution capabilities, production capacity and equipment investments mean we’re second to none. We provide state-of-the-art solutions for High Voltage Underground and Submarine cable links in some of the world’s most challenging environments.

Whether it’s turnkey services for the construction of submarine power links for large offshore wind farm hubs in Germany, or installing submarine cables up to 2,000 metres depth using Giulio Verne, one of the largest and most technologically advanced cable-laying ships in the world, we’re pushing possibility forward in all areas, across the world.

Projects Financial Results

(EURO MILLION) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
SALES 1,490 1,751 1,844 1,438 1,594
ADJ. EBITDA 266 101 228 186 210

Market share & Competitors

Diverse and innovative Energy Products

We offer one of the most complete and extensive product ranges in the world. And we’re always evolving to meet the needs of our customers, enhancing operations and boosting profitable growth. Delivered by our Energy & Infrastructure businesses (including Power Distribution and Trade & Installers), and Industrial & Network Components businesses (including Specialties & OEM, Elevators, Automotive and Network Components), we’re positioned to drive constant progress in the provision of power around the world.

Energy Financial Results

(EURO MILLION) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
SALES 4,880 8,139 8,027 7,207 9,557
ADJ. EBITDA 244 372 505 440 546

Pioneering solutions for Telecom

We’re one of the world’s largest producers of telecoms cables, delivering optical fibre, optical and copper cabling solutions. We’re at the heart of many of the planet’s leading telecoms operators.

Advances in technological solutions and innovation for broadband, alongside the continuing successes of our three business units –Telecom Solutions, Optical Fibre and Multimedia – are creating opportunities for new growth, connections and enhancements to living and working everywhere.

Telecom Financial Results

(EURO MILLION) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
SALES 1,258 1,634 1,648 1,371 1,585
ADJ. EBITDA 214 295 274 214 220
2021 Sales by Business Area
12,736 million
2021 Sales by Geographical Area
€12,736 million